When I turned 49 I realized I wanted MORE. I had done all the programs and classes but nothing brought sustainable change until I started working with my subconscious mind. I began to RECLAIM myself physically, mentally and emotionally and UNLEASH MY INNER WARRIOR. IĀ feltĀ LIMITLESS.Ā
Now I teach and heal womenĀ so that they canĀ elevate themselves. Pull themselves out of exhaustion and stress. To go from drowning to LIVING.

As a rapid transformation coach and healer...
I help women let go of old programming and embrace the woman who they are BECOMING. The becoming process is a journey back to YOURSELF. One of the most important pieces of that puzzle is healing our trauma. We all have trauma, and through my 6 month program and masterminds, we collectively explore what is stopping us from boldly showing up and moving forward. We begin the process of healing and soon the invisible prison we have been living in stats to fall away. We stop trying to outrun our feelings with "busyness" and breathe into a slower, easier, more peaceful life.
I believe in the power of women coming together in a group setting, holding space for each other, connecting deeply and learning from each others wealth of experience. Before engaging in the process I now teach, I had tried every program, read every book, and researched how to change. I have studied personal growth for the last 30 years and I could never make the sustainable change in my life I was looking for. I now have tangible tools to make change and the science behind all the personal growth hype.

I am a different person than I was those years ago....
but I am also different than I was a year ago, 6 months ago, even 3 months ago.... I continue to elevate every area of my life, from my marriage and family, to my business and finances. This is the most important work I have ever done and the best I have ever felt.
You simply cannot change your life with old beliefs and thought patterns. You cannot become the WARRIOR WOMAN you want to be if you stay the same. You can't keep running on the hamster wheel and feel good. And what is the point of success if you DON'T FEEL GOOD? HOLISTIC SUCCESS, JOY, PEACE and FREEDOM are possible for you. My own transformation was The only thing that will stop you from becoming LIMITLESS... is YOU.